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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Just updating.

Hello everyone!

I know it's been song share, song share and song share for the past few days. I haven't got the time to really blog. Sorry! Life's not being very good lately, though it's end of my internship. I miss my colleagues man! The super weird feeling when all of a sudden my 5 months daily routine has got a changed. Not waking up to any alarm, not getting up whining, saying 5 minutes more, rushing to work, pick my outfit, no more breakfast and lunch in office with @ALISONLIMJS, no more walking to level 3 to refill water. Oh man. The list goes on and on. But I'm so glad I'm meeting colleagues for dinner this week. Yay!

A little trackback. Went to Chinatown on Saturday with Le Family. The first time since long time ago we go out somewhere as a whole. @YOUHUI07 joined us in the squeezing people game in Chinatown too. I SWEAR I'M NOT GOING BACK THERE AGAIN THIS WEEK. I was mad raging when people from behind was pushing me and the people in front just can't move. People who's so funny to bring baby pram in and install some bicycle bell on it. Ding shen mo la! You think got space let you pass meh! Zzz. Rage mode.

So on the same day, something bad happen in the middle of the night. The first time ever I'm visiting a hospital doctor in the middle of the night. The horror that night, I can't forget. *skip* Sunday I went to Ahma  Eng house for dinner and watched Ah boys to men 2 with @kioriazen and @weiihaoo over at Causeway! Hmmmm. Not very wow by the movie eh. I think it's like more of a funny movie, but anyway it's hilarious and everything's so true. Especially the letter part during outfield. Omg! *tears rolling down*

Today I went shopping with @YOUHUI07! I bought like a dress, 3 top and 1 clutch! I can only say today's shopping ain't very great. My buys would sound a lot, but I think it's just below normal buys. I haven't seen any shoes I want. Mama Eng was like, "Eh~ Never buy shoes arh?" Hahaha.

Presentation horror on Wednesday! I need to prepare like tomorrow. Yes! So now, I shall watch KO One Return (you all should watch too!) and sleep. Going to KTPH for a mini operation (I hope).


With love,

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