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Monday, September 30, 2013


Hello guys!

It's been long. I haven't been having the time or mood to blog so that's why the long hiatus. I'm back now, probably for awhile? I don't know how long this wanna-blog-feel will last, but I hope it does. Hehehe. Because other than this place the next one will be my tumblr to keep me writing. I even stopped writing in my diary. Meh, this sucks. So many things happened during the time when I was away from this blog. Good or bad, it makes me grow. I hope I'm better prepared now as to the few months back me. (Sounds as though I'm preparing myself for a war, wtf! Hahaha!)

Alright, work's kind of boring lately. I think I constantly need something new, fun and egg-citing in my life so that I can don't feel so bored. My days now are like, weekday work, Saturday will be doing housework at home then probably dinner with friends and Sunday will be going to some activities organised by Boss's church. Feels so no life right? I've not been going back to school for some burning-fats activity and I also haven't been running lately. For the next 3 months, I'm going back to school on Monday(hopefully) to burn fats! I really cannot stand myself carrying EXTRA huge burden in my tummy (sounds like I'm pregnant) Hahaha. But they are all fats of mine from all the uncontrollable intake of oily food or snacks! I'm gonna exercise for the flat tummy! (I hope I can act) 

So I've been trying to meet everyone who wants to meet me before October 23rd, because whenever I meet people now is to have dinner due to work. After 23rd October it's abit hard for me to have dinner outside. Some might know some might not, but I guess I will update a proper one after 23rd since I will be having like MCs. Yay to staying at home! 

Alright, this Wednesday and Thursday am going to Suntec for some workshop. Company is participating and I'm gonna be so bored there. Boss wants me to be there to talk to stranger! See la! Who says Boss teng wo one? Lately I've been hearing this sentence, "反正 Boss so 疼 you!" Bullshit! Ask me talk to strangers jiang zhen de! Hahaha! To be fair, he's the best boss so far. Never will there be a boss that's so nice one, just because he is he. Hahahaha! Where got boss keep giving you off one? Let me give you example. When I wanted to take leave for my TP few months back, he said "Take what leave? Take off la!" You guys must be wondering what's the difference between off and leave right? Let jiejie explain to you. 

Leave = You're given annual leave by the company to get your well deserved rest. 
Off = Unofficial leave given by boss 
*I think this only applies to my company or rather my boss. Hahahaha!

So, he told me if I pass I will get that off, if I fail I will have to apply for leave. LOL! That's the worse encouragement. Just so you know he's trying to like encourage me! Hahaha! Then one day when I attended the church activity he asked me whether I wanna drive his car not! But siao la, I never. No p-plate somemore his xiaobai is a freaking 7 seater! I don't wanna risk my life and his life! Hahahaha. Then you tell me which Boss actually sees your instagram showing that you woke up in 3am and vomit constantly then ask you not to go office and rest at home? Which Boss ask you to go Malaysia and he drove in and we went to buy office's snacks! Took whatever that I wanted (though so far I haven't took any of the snacks to eat!) Hahahaha! Okay la, Boss give you best Boss award on Oct 16th okay! Hahaha. I'm getting more offs this October due to Oct 23rd. Yay! So see you guys! I love my company not, but I definitely love such good boss! Hehehe. If only CEO is so.... 

Gonna end off this longy wordy post with this awesome performance! From that one and only man that I can keep replying his whole playlist for more than 3 months after his concert! I swear I will smile at him whenever I see his performance, MV or photos! Hahahaha! Enjoy~

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