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Friday, March 29, 2013

Busy bee

I've been really really busy ever since I start working in the office. I really do wonder if it's good or bad. I need a system of my own to really move things in just one click. Then again I'm that one that is so dilly dally in doing things. Messy in my own way and just will get things done up in the VERY last minute. Hahaha. How to tank? Aiyo! Okay. Shall update on some happenings this week! (:

Actually my life now is quite boring one. I'm always in the office and slogging my life away working. I don't have spare time to chit chat or whatever one hor! 9 in the morning (okay sometimes I will be late) step into office, on computer and I will type and type, sms people, call people to confirm their schedule. Then I will leave office like 7 plus? There's only like 1 or 2 times that I leave at 6 plus. Fml!

*Some funny things*
On Tuesday morning, Boss enters the office, then I asked him something
Me: "Who's gonna collect device from MGS later?" 
Him: "Soo hyim loh. Never read email arh?"
Me: "Hmmmm. Okay"
Sometime later. 
*Boss grumbled to himself : Ask you all to help me sync phone no one did!*
Me: "Sync what?"
Him: "For the zoo loh."
Me: "How to sync?" 
Him: Nevermind...
Me: *Oops! Angry liao*
Me: "Boss! Can ask Soo Hyim to bring spare battery for Salty he doing recce later"
Him: *Not listening to what I say* "What battery? All the device going Regent no spare for him"
Me: *Not listening to him either* "Orh. Okay!"
Then Salty text me to say no one pass him device. I had to ask Boss. Y'know what he say? 
"What spare battery? Sorry I wasn't listening to what you say but you also never listen to what I say loh!" 
*Burst into laughter* LOL. 

Whatsapp-ing Bat.
Bat: "Eh babe! So how's work?"
Me: Babe! I miss you la! Next week you come back I not around. Aiyo! 
Bat: Hahaha! So how got go eat lunch with the others? 
Me: So far only with Lithus. 
Bat: WAH! You 2 only arh?! 
Me: Hahahaha! What crap plus must Ops teamie la! Anyhow! 
*I was trying to tell her that I only manage to have lunch with Lithus out of all the developers there la! She instant reaction! LOL!*

Then she told me that some people say I'm always talking about work in office. Say I damn workaholic. Not that I want, there's no one else to talk to about normal things! Haha. Okay la. I've been trying hard to rush everything out so that I can have a great leave of 6 days. The luxury of 6 days not doing anything and play in peace! Woohoo! Anyway, do catch this show! 

我租一個情人 damn nice! 

With love, 

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