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Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Knowing me #5
Credit to :
Like if you read the above, I look super fierce and not easy to approach by anyone. However if you know me, you will know I'm just the opposite. Haha. I hardly can say no to people. If I ever say no to your request then you must be asking me something very out of my comfort zone. Hot-tempered but I'm not against anyone but things that I find unreasonable. This article is like saying very related things to me one. Wtf. Super true to me. However, some of the articles I found says that Capricorn very arrogant, self-centered or whatsoever. So wrong.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Knowing me #4
I used to be very hot-tempered. And I really mean hot-tempered. If poly friends feel that I'm already very fierce then you all should befriend my sec school friends and see how much my temper went down during the transition from sec school to poly. Haha! Whenever I get so angry I will end up crying. Wtf.
Eg. Few months ago my family went for a one-day durain trip to malaysia. We have this contact that's got good supply of durain and before my ahgong pass away like during poly year 1 times we go almost once a month. So we went again after not going for so many years and I just cannot not get mad loh! I mean we have been giving him so many customers and such then he's so ungrateful one. He brought us to the durain plantation and we packed durain back. After which he sealed it in a box and we thought later reach custom can take out because my relatives bought too and obviously we stay different place. Then when we reach he don't even allow us to open the bloody box and insist on leaving it sealed. Wtf! Then when he sealed he didn't even have to cheek to tell us because he stupidly brought one box only. Zzz. Then he is suppose to like go to 2 places in singapore. Like fetch us back. So I live in woodlands so it's pretty alright for my family to take bus back at the checkpoint or whatever. Then because of his fucking determination in keeping the box sealed we had no choice. Like wtf! He was suppose to bring my ahma back to bedok with the durain but because he don't want the smell in it. Like fuck! His attitude is so bad that I feel like giving him a few tight slap on the face to let him see how much his fucking attitude deserves that. Previously we don't even have this kind of problem with him. Then if you're afraid of the smell lingering then why organize or allow this kind of trip? And you allowed the buying of durain because you have bloody commission! So what kind of fucking attitude was that. Okay. Out of point; the main point is I was so mad that I teared when I reach home. And I told my parents that this guy is out of my list. Really. The next time they want to go is either the driver is not him or I'm not going. Else I would give him a few tight slap to tear down that attitude.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Knowing me #3
So if you guys want me to do or bring anything kindly remind me before I step out of house.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Knowing me #2
My friends all know about it and even my new colleagues knew about it. I think it's easier for them to buy me presents. There's one year all my birthday presents is all mickey that I have like 2 sets of the same mickey and minnie plush toy. Wtf. Hahahaha
Friday, October 10, 2014
Knowing me #1
Hi everyone,
So to motivate myself to be diligent and keep blogging I've decided to post one fact about myself daily. Okay I know I always say but ended up not blogging. But I really no time. So I hope this new topic will go on long. Hahaha! I always feel like whatever I post is like so mundane that if I'm the reader I'm not in the least interested. Wtf. Let's just see how long can this go.
#1. Eng Yee Ling is my full name. Elaine is not in any legal documents. Therefore people who know me before poly start as YeeLing. Only people I know after I entered poly calls me Elaine.
Anyway I've shared this song for everyone as I think it's really very nice and meaningful. I hope you guys listen well! (:
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Woes of daily train commuters
Been awhile since I had fever and I had to have it just one night before I report to work for the first day. Really is suay one leh. Still had to drag myself out of the bed early in a Monday morning to get to work. Since it's the first day I will ususally be exceptionally early because it's not good to be late what!
Work is still boring because it's only the start. But thw environment wise is quite similar to intern time? Let's just say it's a MNC kind of environment. Like you will have to attend orientations, go through a lot of trainings, having mentor, access accounts, systems/softwares and etc. However it's almost a all lady environment. There's only one guy in my team and other than him is my boss boss senior director who's an Ang moh. haha! So I only hope I don't get involve in any politics. Though it's only the third day I can sense things going on in my team. Sensitive, but I'm right okay! Haha. *keeping my fingers crossed that I won't be involve*
Nothing special about work but there's drama daily while travelling to work or going back home. I really don't understand like what is happening. First day when I'm going home got stuck in a traffic jam because I decide to take bus home then there's this pregnant lady who decides to like cut my queue and go up the bus then she shove her belly right infront of those sitting down. But everyone's either asleep or busy using phone. So they didn't give up seat, until the lady who's using the phone looks up and gave up her seat. Lol! Morning, I saw this aunty/lady (I cannot decide because she looks like Aunty but dress like lady) asked a Bangala who's sitting beside her to lower the volume of his music. He is on earpiece and I can't hear his music though. Like what on earth? Idk if this is lady just dislike bangalas or what. Second day when I'm on my way home there's this Aunty really Aunty! She insist on reading her newspaper on a crowded train. She didn't hold on to any railing and instead she keep bumping into me and open the newspaper big beside her that took up like 1 standing space?! Like what?! It's so crowded leh! Then there's the indian guy who got up from his seat trying to get down but that Aunty block his way just because she wants to sit down! LOL! The indian guy stared at her but she insist on her way. After sitting down, she sat like half of the seat and continue to open her newspaper wide! Really bth! Where got such people one? Then when the train is less crowded she decides to keep her newspaper and play her phone! What is this?! Choose to be stupid. I told dear I hope she cannot read newspaper for 3 weeks and I won't want to see her again or else I will confiscate the newspaper. Today I saw this pregnant lady (I think) at first there's this lady who alighted then a china guy sat on the seat like without even offering the pregnant lady. Then there's another vacant seat and another lady with completely flat tummy sat down. Zzz. Aiyo! Unbecoming world. That poor pregnant lady had to like stand all the way. Aiyo. Then while taking the NE line I nearly pass my stop all because of another Aunty! She's like leaning against the pole then keep pushing me. Idk what is wrong with her. Aiyo! Like no hand to hold the pole must lean. She lean still cannot find balance keep bumping into me. Zzz.
I really think I'm some 天敌 to Aunty! Bless me please my workplace is full of Aunty! Alright end of lunch time. Back to being bored. Am having my first class for second sem tonight. I hope I won't be overtired!
With love,
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Does it make sense?
My books for my second semester arrived on Tuesday! Oh god. There's like lots of thick books. I really don't like the idea of having thick books, though I don't really bring them to school for lessons. My iPad is sufficient for my lessons. Hahaha. Feeling a bit of eggcited to have school start though I know I will be super exhausted. Anyway, I woke up at like 8 plus because they sent an email to me saying that their arrival time will be 9am. So stupid. They only arrived like 5 mins before 1pm. Had to make the trouble to call school and got DHL number because I'm suppose to go to main office to sign my contract at 2pm.
Though I reached there before 2pm, I got stuck at the stupid lift. Because our building requires us to tap our card even when we enter the lift. Zzz. Like some top secret building like that. Then my stupid visitor card didn't work! Had to get the security to make a change. But he still like taking his own sweet time like that when I say I'm rushing for time! 진자! Spent an hour chatting with Teena about work stuffs and then home!
Wednesday I finally remember to go for my tuition. Omg. I cannot express how forgetful I am to actually forget about tuition like literally twice! But the parents very nice one, super flexible and say never mind. Hahaha. Then dinner date with VDP at Ichiban Boshi in CWP. Talked about everything and anything while indulging in the sushi feast!
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Credit: VDP's instagram |
Oh yes! I don't get why my company will ask Shanghai office people to keep contacting me! Now they even want to contact my referee and make them answer the calls from overseas!
진자! Like "You mad bro?" Got a bit worked up that I sort of confront the guy who keeps calling from Shanghai, though he's only receiving orders to work! But seriously, it doesn't make sense that I'm expecting my referees to answer all those overseas call and paying the bills when I'm the one who wanted the job and not them? Does it make sense?
I hope I don't get affected by this because I'm starting work next week. I hope Teena helps to solve this problem!
Finally meeting Adeva for brunch tomorrow! Yay to more girls talk and I hope we don't be awkward because it's really long since.
With love,
Monday, July 14, 2014
Dawn of the.. Planet.. of the Apes!
Watch Dawn of the planet of the apes today with WH. It's too draggy and find the story is a bit of nowhere? Maybe I just don't get the director's pov. It's like jumping here and there? But the take from this whole story will be anyone can betray or hurt you. Anyone, no matter who. When they have the vengeance in them, it's gone. How disappointing it is huh.
Saw some of the trailers before the movie, so many nice movies coming out when I'm not gonna have much free time starting from next week. OMG. Starting work and school at the same time next week. Embracing myself. *pull legs and hugs myself* I want to watch 7500, Deliver us from devil, Guardians of the galaxy and Hercules!
Had lunch at Shin Kushiya in Jem. They are like having some promotion that's like if you order 2 set lunch(?) one set will be 50% off. Honestly their sets are really impressive. We ordered an extra maki roll and I miss Sushi bar's! Not as wow as compared to Sushi bar but can make do. Haha.
Wanted to dine in at Itacho, but it's the first day of their renovation for the Jcube branch. What a luck! Zzzz. Gonna have all the good food before I start my war next week! Gonna be receiving my books tomorrow, then going to office to sign contract. Wednesday will be tuition and meeting VDP for dinner. Friday brunch I will meet with Adeva! It's been long since I last seen her. OMG. I hope we have a really good catch up because after this idk when will be the next time I see her after she heads back to Canada on 2nd Aug!
Cheers to a great yet busy week and the juggle of school, work and tuition for the next 1 year(at least)!
I can buy my favourite camera without worrying with my own money! Let's do it!
With love,
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Whole new level of maturity
저는 Elaine에요. 오렌만이에요! 잘 진했어요?
Hahaha! As you can see I'm trying hard to learn 한국어. I don't want to depend on google translation anymore, because most of the time it's a bit of in chaos. LOL. It's been a month since I last updated this tiny space that I wonder if there's anyone who's still reading this page. Hahaha.
I've been busy trying to catch up with all my drama shows, variety shows before I start to work again. Yes, if you haven't already know, I've gotten myself a full-time job yet again. I know after my previous full-time work I've been saying that I do not want to have a full time anymore while studying, but I realise that it's really a bit of hard. Because during this 4 months of not working life, I feel like I'm a parasite. LOL. Excluding the 2 months that I'm basically mugging hard for my exams. I've cleared like A LOT of shows during the 2 months of break I'm having. I find that my life is so mundane. Like my friends are all working or studying, but I'm the only one who's playing. Hahaha. FML. I guess this is the down side and having to be able to support myself previously and now I'm getting allowance from Papa Eng again. (Although he's always so supportive of me not getting work and be more focus on my studies, I feel weird myself) "Is this a whole new level of maturity?" Hahahaha!
Ever since my exams, I've really been playing hard. Let's see.
-Malacca trip with Mama Eng and Brother Eng
-Watch dramas
-Read books
-Working part-time
-Teaching tuition
-Getting my results back
-Durian day-trip to Malaysia
-Meet up with Gdine and Weihao
-Meet up with JY
-Meet up with Buddy
-Farewell party with intern colleagues
-Treetop walk and Sentosa with LDR colleagues
-Dinner with intern colleague
-Dinner with my 好朋友s
-Paintwork in the house
-Celebration with the family (Brother Eng's bday)
The different events I had since school's and work's out! Then I'm getting a lil bit of tired, and so I got myself a job. LOL. They pay well too, so why not?
Okay I have nothing much to say anymore. I will update more about my work if there's anything worth blogging. Heee.
With love,
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Meh life is meh
I've been having mundane life. Really mundane. Trying very hard to catch up with all the dramas that I didn't had time to watch because maybe soon I do not have the time anymore! I have to start sleeping early too. Those rashes that only comes to me when I'm stress or sleeping late is back to attack. Because I haven't been very good to my body recently.
Currently watching Moon embraces the Sun, the first episode was really gross! Those punishment in the olden days jinja jinja gross. I can't even imagine someone who could think of all this punishment. Really. Now I know why there's such 成语 like 五马分尸. So ewwwww that I closed my eyes and nearly stopped watching the show! After episode 2 I feel the need to continue watching, but it's quite confusing between the characters. LOL. Another recommended drama from @gdinez.
Had this recce today for a trail that's running for every Thursday in June. I really hate to say but I find a bit retarded to ask everyone to be there for the recce when the meaning of recce totally means you have to be familiar with the routes. They claim to be a briefing, but the briefing could be easily done on Thursday itself. Really. I've been walking Southern Ridges for god knows how many times. Ewwwww. But since I'm free I attended and got myself nothing new but mozzie bites! The mozzie there is so sucky one! 教我我都不一定会。I got myself mozzie patch before going and I still get bitten. Wtf. They like 刀枪不入(?).
Before recce I had tuition and I must really say, 现在的小孩子很难做。I really mean it. Look at this.
My tutee got a 70 for English and guess what? That's the 30th placing in class and there's only 31 kids in that class. Their mean mark in the class was 79. What is this? His mum got me to tutor him because they were having concern about him being the last in class at the end of Term 1. I thought his result was really bad. BUT look at this! I really feel sorry for him that I kept telling he did absolutely good in this. Where is all the carefree life as a kid? Where did all the childhood fun gone to? What kind of competition are they facing? Absolute zero answer. Sigh.
Oh yes, sad stories aside. Anyway it's been so long since I last keep myself updated with @gdinez. Because she's been posting so much on her Dayre rather than blog. There's one more favourite web to list down. Haha. Since I haven't been reading her Dayre since she created, I just finish reading every post. Haha. A break from drama. Tomorrow shall be a stay home day to watch drama since Mama Eng is home. Yay!
Till then.
With love,
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Song Share: Touch Love
In love with this song because of Master's Sun! I swear it's really a good drama. The second Korean drama that I will watch after Love Rain. Really super touching that I cried for almost all the 17 episodes! Daebak! Good receommendation from Gdine! Kamsahamnida!
Been at home for the past few days just to catch up with my books and dramas. I still have lots of dramas to watch though! Hahaha. I have nothing much to update either. So off to drama! Enjoy the song!
With love,
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Chewytomatoes' Travelogue: Malacca
The bus ride is only about 3.5 hrs or so? Pretty fast and it's a non-stop driving. Damn love, plus the coach that I took has good in-built massaging effect one. Though it's quite a lousy massaging and we only found out at the last 0.5 hours of our ride. LOL. Damn.
So upon reaching Malacca Central (that's their bus terminal), we had to book our Sunday tickets to come back to Singapore. Damn! All the tickets back to SIngapore full! ***Advice to all who wants to travel there during weekends, please do not be smart to travel back on Sunday, unless you booked round-trip for your coach*** We were damn lost when we got there to hear such news, because Mama's friend told us that we could easily get tickets back cheap from there. Don't say cheap, we can't even find a ticket for afternoon's coach.
But thank god for this very good uncle from 707 coach service, he thought us to book coach tickets from KKKL service (Counter 4) to JB Larkin Terminal. Then from Larkin we will be able to take SBS 170 back to Singapore. Smart move! Thanks~
Fun time right now! We took a taxi from that place to our hotel (MidCity Hotel). Booked it through Expedia and was quite disappointed with the way the hotel and Expedia handled it. This is my first time booking through Expedia and don't know how well they handle things, plus I'm not sure who's fault it is this time round. Anyway, our cab fare is a standard 20RM and we paid 25RM for that the cab driver was so good, he deserves the best cabby award I must say. Because our hotel is a new hotel, opened recently on the 8th April this year and he couldn't locate the place. He called up our hotel and checked with them the exact location and all. He even introduced a place great for seafood dinner.
So, upon checking in, we had problems with it. The hotel people couldn't locate our information because they claimed that Expedia didn't send them an email to confirm about it. So the receptionist got like a hard time to locate a room for us especially when our room was a Junior Suite. Wasted like a half an hour waiting over at the lobby and thank god for free wireless, if not I would have thrown tantrum there at the staff. Badass. Lol. Oh yes! If you guys are going to book this hotel, please let your taxi drivers who don't know how to go that it's just right behind Yong Peng yong tau foo stall.
So we manage to wash up a little and went for late lunch near our hotel, because we got the nice cabby uncle to bring us for dinner at 6 plus. The food wasn't worth recommending. We got one of their soup because of the pork rib, but the pork rib was cold! Simisai! Really 教我还不一定会。 Seriously! I bet they only pour the hot soup onto those ingredient and expect it to be hot too. Geesh.
After the lunch, we decided to explore a bit because we're super near to Hatten Square. There's something that's super cool about the places! Some of the shopping malls there are all linked up! Till today I still am not sure which are the malls that's linked up! LOL. Fail. I only know from Hatten Hotel the place connecting Hatten Square is not open yet but the levels above are opened. We had to walk across to Dataran Pahlawan Melaka Megamall and then somehow we walked and got to the upper levels of Hatten Square, not much of stuffs though. Learnt from one of the shop staff that there's promotion going on at Starbucks and it's last day! So, why not! Queued for their Starbucks while waiting for cabby uncle to pick us up for our dinner!
Tadah! Dinner at Portugese Settlement!
Seafood dinner by the seaside! I swear it's damn good and fresh for the price we pay. (I think it's the price in Singapore that makes us feel that other countries' things are always so much cheaper!) But there's a price to pay for coming here for dinner I swear! The price is SHOCK! Upon arrival, when you have yet to step out of the cab. Brace yourself before getting out. I swear you will feel like the people charging to your cab is like reporters gonna chiong for some scandal reports. But they are only asking you guys to choose a stall to dine in. LOL. My first thought was that they were asking for the carpark fee, because there's this Aunty that keeps pointing 1 to me! LOL. The people can go as far as belittling other stalls right in front of the staffs. However, we chose No. 1 as that's what our cabby uncle recommended.
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Sotong Fritters RM15 |
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Sambal Kangkong RM6 |
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Steamed fish RM30 RM6 per 100g |
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Baked pepper crab RM47.60 RM68 per 1kg |
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BBQ Lala RM12 per plate |
Day 2~
Woke up early for hotel's buffet breakfast and it's meh! If I can I won't even be bothered to have the food. Went back to the room to rest awhile before heading out. Had lunch at this Nonya restaurant called Makko restaurant.
It's near our hotel and we only got to know that it's one of famous Nonya restaurant around there. The other one was Ole Sayang, didn't manage to try it though.
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Nonya dumpling |
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Nonya Kueh |
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Cincalok Omelette RM8 |
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Ayam Buah Keluak RM18 |
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Ikan Goreng Chilli RM45 |
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Udang Masak Lemak Nenas RM28 |
- Address: 123, Jalan Merdeka, Taman Melaka Raya, 75000, Melaka. Malaysia. 75000 Melaka
- Phone: +60 6-284 0737
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亚辉肉骨茶 |
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Claypot Bak Kut Teh RM10.50 Special Bak Kut Teh RM11.50 Stew Soy Sauce Trotter RM14 |
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Fried Pickle Radish Tofu RM10 |
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Bean Sprout RM8 |
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Long Bean RM8 |
Address: No. 268 Jalan Melaka Raya 3, Taman Melaka Raya, 75000 Melaka
Then till we walked back to Jonker Walk and realise this dinner was a wrong choice. LOL. So damn disappointed when we reached there and saw so many nice street food. Damn! Went back to hotel and rest for the next day's travel back to Singapore!