Pen down my thoughts. So much for not coming here for a week, I've got loads to say. Not gonna do any reviews for anything right now, probably some brief ones.
Got back my results for FCS, not a very good one but secured my B. Not very bad I guess but I can definitely do better if there's more time. #iknowishouldstopwhiningaboutthetime Went for training with my Vans shoe all because I've asked for a debrief meeting for Bonding Camp. So I went but ended up wasted my 3 hours there. Thank god there's lovely people who came back to play volleyball and didn't let me feel much of a waste for the 3 hours. Was pretty annoyed by it because no one really bothers about what I say about having a meeting. Don't even bother to notify that you're not coming. We're invisible? So I dropped that, went home without having the usual 'dinner' with them.
The day that I dread most, for I'm getting back OOPG results. Thought I would fail like miserably. Like 30 plus marks as SQL's probably the only question that I'm confident in. Guess what? I passed, not a very good grade. But still a pass you mei you! Happy enough. Was watching Love Rain the day before my paper and only really studied for the paper like 3 hours before the paper commence, so what more do I expect? Hiak. Can't go for training, went over to Ahma Tay's house instead. So I decided to geh kiang and take bus over. Why geh kiang? Because I know it's a long bus ride yet I refuse to have lunch with my friends in school before setting off. So now that I now what's the feeling like to take bus from school all the way to Pasir Ris. I feel so OMG whenever I thought of the fact I have to do this for the next months. x.x face please. Although there's like shuttle bus service, but feedback from some ain't really a good choice. What a disaster. Times like this I wish I have my license. Imagine I have to wake up early early in the morning. *faint*
WISP. Ma de. Having such a group mates I really wanna die. 5 people group but only 2 doing work. #killmeplease. Y'know it's totally not cool to not participate in any group work, dude. In anyway, made them do work but... *see Friday* After WISP, guess what? Ahma Eng's house to see my super duper cute boy.

This naughty boy really damn cute yet annoying. All is him. But that day he kept wanting me to carry. Hiak hiak! *I really dislike his maid* She's so not a good maid. Why? She calls her boss, which is my Uncle, Ahbi's father, Ah Hock. Yes! His name! Because Ahma Eng always ask Ahbi, "Where's Ah Hock?" Then Ahbi now will keep "Ah Hock! Ah Hock!" Damn cute. But do note that it's not for you call. Your boss, someone who pays you to work know! Then she doesn't even communicate well with us. Treats us like stranger like that. Talk to her like talking to alien! Le sigh. I hope change maid soon~ Anyway, got dragged into Sports Fiesta because of ZhenWei. Y ECE NO MORE GIRLS? I seriously think ECE should go drag more girls from secondary school to join them. When there's Sports Fiesta or Polympics, you will see those guys who want to form the group so much so as to be able to participate in the game, beg girls like some dog. Some even take girls who don't know how to play volleyball in their team just so they could participate! Hah. Whatever persuading words will come out from the guys just for a Yes to their asking. I don't understand why they even ask me, such a burden to get into their group. Since they got Gdine into their team. Dragged Tony in anyway, because Lao de can save me from anything! :D
Got back my MEDT paper. LOST 7 MARKS BECAUSE I WROTE THE ANSWERS IN PENCIL. Manzxc. Never felt so dumb before leh. Why so geh gao one arh? Pencil and pen got what difference? What matters is I got the answers correct what! Really sucks know. Dropped a bloody 2 grade thanks to this! ): Surprisingly, theory score wasn't as low as I think. Hahaha. I think I should really expect the unexpected. Because everytime when I say won't want la. Then next thing you know, it happen. Came home happily to check for my long-time-no-see sports shoe. Because it's a confirm thing that I'm to play for Sports Fiesta, soooooo I actually begged Mama Eng to let me have my shoes back on Wednesday night. Really chiong-ed on Wednesday know. Promised whatever that Mama Eng wants, persuade and even used Dr Koh. Main reason that I got it back was because I actually text Dr Koh to ask him for approval for just 1 week of "strenuous" sports because I've rest for like more than 3 months that he told me to. So he gave the green light for the competition knowing that I'm super stubborn and will do anything to play. So he got me to promise him that I will go back for check up with him on next Wednesday. Sooooo, no choice, I have no say to bargain anything, have to go back. Then he's gonna update me about my physio in the same time. Mama Eng called him in the morning I think, so yesssssssssssss. My lovely shoes~

Whoop whoop feeling when I saw it. So long since I've seen it. Text Dr Koh to thank him. Then he told me not to anyhow jump here and there. I'm suppose to take care of knee. Hiak. So back to training I go~ Though I didn't do much, because I couldn't do what they do. Plus I don't know where's my kneeguard. Was thinking is it that Mama Eng took it because I promised to wear kneeguard whenever I go to play. But nooooo. Gonna buy new one liao. Feels soooooooooooo good to be back with my sports shoe and slow jogged around the track. Whoop whoop. The right feeling, in the right place makes me feel so harpy like a churp churp bird. :D Finally after like months, I'm back to market for food! Sugarcane water and Zhu Zha Tang~ <3
Couldn't wake up for OOPG lecture. Oh no! I hope I don't get debar! Third time missing from class. I don't get why Vin they all won't help me mark when I'm not around but I will when they ain't! Le sigh~ Since it's over, forget it. Hahaha. Supposing to get the Sports Fiesta name list from June, forgot about it too. But then thank god I'm meeting A for movie. He's in school so he helped me with it and relayed the message from June. Thanks A. :D #AmazingSpiderMan's so boring leh. Too draggy. Came home and didn't receive any emails from my WISP mates for the Assignment 2B. Panic me, so I decided to do it. Then decides not to give them any credit. First, I do not have their particulars to fill in. Second, they did nothing when I told them to. Third, they don't deserve it. Halfway rushing the assignment, shit stuffs got to happen. I don't understand why you guys don't get the whole picture before coming to a conclusion that we don't do this or that. In any way, I don't see a need or rather redundant to have a meeting just for an unofficial event.
Nua-ed the whole day, woke up at 2 plus to catch some show. Then finally move my butt to prepare for dinner at night. Had an awesome dinner and a sumptuous one. Thanks~
I understand the intention of you guys. To help us work in a better way. But I don't see any solution to this if you're saying that we didn't try to approach them to get things out. We tried but how many times do we have to do this. Over and over again? Forever being like a plier trying to force pearls out from opening the oysters? That's not how it's gonna work, y'see. As much as we have been trying to help out with this communication breakdown problem from last time. It just doesn't seem to work, because the main thing lies with them. The barrier in their heart that couldn't make them step over to us. What we could is to give them a push from behind. That's something that you people don't see. Yes, everyone sees this problem all along. We've done whatever we can. If you people still think that we're not doing enough. I really have nothing more to comment on.
#Ireallycan'twaittograduateifthat'sthecase. Too much for me to handle.
Troubled with family, schoolwork, CCA, you.
Some dark chocolates to help with it.
Feels a tinge of sadness when I hear A 'Good' Bye. Is it because this song's for LeeTeuk, he's leaving for army when Kangin just returns! ):
Anyway readers, sorry for the wordy post. Enjoy the 2 songs from SUJU's 6jib.
Kangin's back!
Till then, folks. Thanks for reading. <3