Happy 2012 everyone.
Suddenly having the great feel to just update a little over here. Having to say, welcoming 2012 with mix feelings. 2011 ain't bad after all, but definitely there's happ
iness and sorrows that left in my memories. So here I go doing some little trackback now.
- Ending my very first year in NP as an Engineering student.
- Joining the volleyball committee as a Secretary.
- Starting and ending my first ever unforgettable relationship during my tertiary years
- Involving in Bonding Camp 2011 as one of the organizer
- Found 2 cute 'sons' that form Vogue Family
- Getting super close with my girls
- Hanging out more with ECE ppl
- Virgin chalet experience over at Sentosa
- Going gaga over kpop from idk when
- Training camp was great being fairy godmother (though it's a freaking week in school)
- Steamboat with family
- X'mas countdown with Awesome-ers over at Jeff's house
- X'mas celebration over at Rachel's house with vball-ers
- Having chalet with big clique
- Got myself a place for internship (Yay!)
- Going USS with Awesome-ers
- Getting b'day surprises from my lovelies
- Enjoying b'day celebration with family and vball-ers
- Ending the year with Superb cool ppl watching fireworks from bridge doing epic stuffs
This might seem short. But I really did enjoy myself throughout this year. Be it happy or sad, I had fun. Sorrowful experiences shall be a mistake learnt and hoping that 2012 will be a different one. A big thank you to everyone who's involve in my 2011, making my 2011 a fruitful one.
I'm glad for Superb cool ppl, Awesome-ers and Vball-ers came into my life. Nothing beats fun-filled day with them.
With a new year, a new start. Start of the year and things are getting a little too stressful. Having to know half of my Year 3 life will be out of school, having myself attached to a company and making full use of what I've learnt in school for the 2 and half years. On top of that, having a role of Vice-President in Vball.comm is yet another stressful fact. Having lots of events to handle, Open House which is ongoing, S&W inter-class as in-charge, etc. Gotten back unsatisfying results from Common Test in 2011. What a way to start off my new term. I should stop being so laid-back and start to buck up for my exams. NYR 1 : Not to skip any lessons anymore, unless necessary. Things will be better that way. I think I really cannot be hardworking, the more hardworking I am, my results will be bad. Don't laugh at this fact! NYR 2 : Be more brave. I cried twice yesterday, once during Open House, all thanks to the stupid Lion Dance Troupe and another one was when I'm home, encountering a baby lizard crawling on my ceiling while I was watching show. How great that is. Stop wondering and asking me why I'm afraid of Lion Dance. So loser. I know right. But I can't help it but to be afraid of it. That's infuriating. Lizards and any moving living things will be a great fear to me. They are like the modern dinosaur to me.
Right. Think it's damn wordy. Don't force yourself to read. It's nothing but common things that happen in my life. Have a great year ahead everyone. I will try my best to update more often. NYR 3 : Update my blog more often. I will try to upload photos too! Annyeong~