With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
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Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
All the memories
Running in mind. Never a stop to it. Recalling how we use to 'bicker' for stupid stuffs. How I got 'angry' at you and you will actually hong wo. We used to walk around randomly at town. How we sat at far east's pontian noodle store eating and fooling around. Looking for LZX's name just to make you jealous. How you held my hand on bus for the first time asking me a question that you never had the courage to say before. Texting me how to hold a girls hand when I'm beside you. Looking at your silly face when we're playing Vball. How nervous you got what you spike dao wo. Forever protecting me and helping me with all you can. Looking at the card you did. I miss the lil book. Rmb-ing you saying to get 4d just because I wanna eat subway. Taking care of me whenever I'm sick. Buying me chocolates, koi, bringing me to watch movie. No matter what I wanna watch. How you actually helped me cut up my food into smaller pieces. Wake up early in the morning just to make sure you're awake for your attachment. How it become a daily routine of my life. How we used to complain to each other about the crappy day we had. How we comfort each other with a great smile saying everything will be alright. How we jump from seats to seats just to show that we're 'angry' with each other. And asking each other not to hou hui. Tickling each other just to kill the awkward silence. How we held hands and walk from clementi to school. How we laughed at each other for being dumb. Looking for photos or playing tetris. Every single thing. It will only be something we did before and not something we can do anymore. I really miss you.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Saturday, July 2, 2011
I just can't let go.
I was just hoping that all this was just a dream. When someone slapped me hard it will be painless. After I wake up, all of this will be just something I tell you. For all I wish is our solution will never be this. All this while I'm trying to maintain this r/s because I believe it can work. As long as I hold on. As long as we still love each other. The only thing that will break us apart will be no more love in between. But seems like I was wrong. And I think I have to blame myself for this breakup. I'm regretting why I didn't take the initiative to do all those lil things that I could to hold this r/s. If I were to catch hold of your hands just now. I think this won't happen either. If I didn't insist on talking about this and insist on everything, this won't happen. If I had told you about the outing, this won't happen. All I can blame is myself.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Can I know what's happening?
Idk why idk what's happening. You seems to be like angry with me or something? Yet I seem to be oblivious of everything?
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Monday, June 27, 2011
Idk why.
You're the one who requested for a talk this morning. And you're the one who walked away first. Best. (Y) when you really wanna talk then tell me bah.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I wonder
How can you say break up so easily? Those 4 months of memories don't matter to you at all? I wonder... Maybe I'm not worth holding onto.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Be it whether I want to let go or not. I still don't have a choice with it. Respect your decision. I agree that we have to give each other time to see what's really best for the two of us. Dk what will the end be like. But thanks for this 4 months of love and care you have given. Thanks baby. Take care.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Read my notes
Recalling what we've done over the past 4 months. Where is the forever-understanding-Elaine? Always saying yes. I know you're tired. So I won't be angry/mad with you. Don't worries. Where are all those? I think I suck big times now. )))):
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Tell me what you really want
Really that tired? Not even getting up to at least shu Zui? Or you couldn't even care less? Can you at least tell me do you wanna continue with this relationship? Idk what's wrong. But everything's been a mess for the two of us lately. I thought this monthsary celebration could at least help something. But I think I'm totally in the wrong path. I don't mind walking a rocky path because you're here with me. But now it seems like I'm walking alone. Trying to give up already? Important day for us. Just gone in a blink of an eye. And ya, you stayed whole day sleeping and doing nothing. I went to bed late ytd because I was doing things for you. Managed to get up early. But things just turn out this way. I think we really need to talk about it.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Happy 4 months!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Perfections in imperfections
For two to be tgt, it takes time to adapt. Cherish the perfections and accept the imperfections of the person. This shows you truly love them. No one's perfect. Don't waste time seeking for a perfect one but make that current one a flawless person to you. Acceptance is important to every relationship.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I find it sweet.
Give you one sweet. Because you're sweet today. First time hear you say reach home text me. Lol. Random~
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
This is sweet.
- I want you to hug me from behind, unexpectedly.
- I want you to give me your hoodie when I`m cold.
- I want you to hold me and keep me warm.
- I want you to cuddle with me and watch movies together.
- I want you to kiss me in the rain.
- I want you to hold my hands and play with my fingers.
- I want you to play with my hair.
- I want you to take amazing photos with me.
- I want you to come to my house and meet my family.
- I want you to lay on my bed with me and just hold me.
- I want you to let me dress you up and make you look silly.
- I want you to watch sunrise with me.
- I want you to give me piggy back rides daily.
- I want you to kiss my nose.
- I want you to wipe my tears away.
- I want you to tell me that you miss me already even if we were together five minutes ago.
- I want you to drop everything and hug me tight.
- I want you to take me on a picnic.
- I want you to snuggle with me in the movie theaters.
- I want you to squeeze me as hard as you can when you hug me.
- I want you to smile every single time you see me.
- I want you to know how much I love you.
- I just want you.
- I want you to let me play with my/your hair
- I want you to accept my compliments
- I want you to listen to me sometimes
- I want you to smile for me (guys love their girls smile)
- I want you to hold my hand unexpectedly
- I want you to tell me silly jokes and pick up lines
- I want you to watch Pixar/Disney movies with me
- I want you to try to play video games with me
- I want you to tell me silly stories
- I want you to sing and dance randomly with me
- I want to take pictures and make couple videos with you (even though guys may not show it, we enjoy taking pictures and making videos)
- I want you to not make fun of my little imperfections (sometimes it gets to us)
- I want you to kiss me
- I want you to bite my lip occasionally (I cant speak for all guys, but damn it feels good)
- I want you to tell me you love me
- I want you to tell me you missed me when we finally get together
- I want you to accept me for who I am
- I want you to love me unconditionally
- I just want to spend time with you
- I need you to know that I love you so much
Monday, June 20, 2011
Missing camp
Oh no. I'm already missing the camp. It's really like a great bonding session with the freshies. From not knowing to knowing. And yes although I didn't take them as group leaders. But still they bother to add me in fb! Haha. Love this batch of freshies like totally! Can see their bonds and everything. Somehow we can learn alot of things from this camp. Yes. I mean alot. :D thanks main comm, helpers and graduates for the help! And freshies who sacrifice their holiday times and "loan" it to us! :D
Main comm great effort in running this camp well. Love all of you! Jiayou. We can do it!
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Main comm great effort in running this camp well. Love all of you! Jiayou. We can do it!
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Best <3
Okay. I realize because it's been long since we're that sweet. Even today just by sitting on your lap having you hugging me I'm contented. Haha! It's been long since we fool around. Yeps. Everything's been long. Oh dear. Haha.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Why why why?
Why am I having the feel to club! Hell no screw no! )):
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Holy mama
Twitter is down! What the shit! Okay shall tweet here then!
Gonna nua awhile more before I head out. (:
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Gonna nua awhile more before I head out. (:
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
It's been long since.
Long time since we held hands and walk tgt. Missing the times where everything's nothing but sweet.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Am I?
Am I that invisible to you?
Or am I too strong that you think I need no care at all?
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Or am I too strong that you think I need no care at all?
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Am I?
The only thing that I'm looking forward to for tmr is to go out with you. But seems like I'm the only one looking forward to that. Haha! Idk why I always look dumb. Probably I'm really that dumb. Well let's be realistic.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Things just have to go in the way. Xi guan le bah Elaine Eng. :D
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Paper's horrible. Celebration's terrible. Pain's vegetable! -.- how three sentence sums up my day.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Friday, June 10, 2011
Miss eating ice cream
A purple dinosaur~
One no feel. One gotta pull 'gf'' go.
No feel go then don't meet us okay! Super grumpy eh! Still say excited on meeting us. Who's not tired? After all those crappy test papers I still got my camp stuffs to do! But still I'm making the effort to meet! What about you ppl! And she's not even your gf yet! Die die must pull her go then you will go. -.- cannot stand it sia. Grumpy Max. To the max that I feel like $&@#%^*! -.-
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
I sucks at planning things.
Ya. I dislike planning things. Because it's always a downfall. Tragedy! -.- don't care my plannings okay! -.- you all wanna go or not I don't freaking care la!
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Thank you very much
Woke up early just to wake you up. Ended up I've got nothing but words that stabbed right into my heart. Thanks for that early in the morning.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
On my way home
Freaking packed bus. Dislike much! I'm not sardine okay! Don't squeeze me like a free.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Its been long since...
Thinking back, bball court used to be a place I go often. But not anymore! Haha. How I actually spent 5 hours plus over there playing or watching. Haha! How retarded. But goodoldtimes with them! Chit chatting and fooling around. (:
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Not a text I wanna see
If you don't wish to reply. Just don't reply. I don't wanna receive such a text. How depressing a (: thanks! -.-
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Not gonna say anything more
I find it pointless having your reply like this. Not gonna say anything anymore.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Monday, June 6, 2011
What is it?
I'm getting frustrated with the pain. Idk what is it. Why is it bothering me everytime. And it's really choosing the right time. Fuck you! -.- I wonder will there be a day that I will just faint due to the pain.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
It's my fault for being unreasonable. Too much I'm asking.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Cannot imagine
Haha! If I were to go overseas for further studies. How will things be like. Haha. *random thoughts*
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
The fright in me. The pain near at my ribcage near my heart persist on. Today it protested when I went running. -.- ohmygoodness. Idk what's wrong. Bad hunch about it therefore I don't wish to see a doctor. But. Hais.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Realizing my mistakes
You need your friend's company too. I guess I'm too into you. Gotta learn to let go. Hahaha! :D
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Everything gotta move. Everything changes as the moon changes. Might be good might be bad. Change your perspective! You will find that the moon is prettier each day! ((:
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Good old times
I miss the times whereby we mug together in the library and after that dinner at market. Then you send me home. How I wish we can stop there and repeat forever.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Thanks buddy!
Had a great chat with Jeffery! :D
At least I'm aware that things might be bad now. But it's only temporary. So I cannot make temporary decisions! (:
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
At least I'm aware that things might be bad now. But it's only temporary. So I cannot make temporary decisions! (:
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
If only
If only I meant so much to you. All this won't be words that I can see.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Since I'm nothing to you. Why bother? I'm not worth your willingness. Tyvm.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Sometimes I wish I didn't wished
Idk why I'm always expecting something that you won't do. Fascinating about you will you will. But the hard fact is you won't you won't.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
What a Saturday.
For once I hate Saturday! Because I'm heading to school to prepare for a no confident paper on Monday or even subsequent! ):
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Never a question I will post
What's your priority?
Yes! I'm not having any confident that the answer will be me. (:
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Yes! I'm not having any confident that the answer will be me. (:
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Friday, June 3, 2011
Will you?
Haha! Baby will carry me and walk nightwalk not? Let's guess! :D
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Omg! Cannot tank! After listening to what KunHao had planned for nightwalk. Too imba le! I've only got to say, "goodluck have fun freshies!" Too scary le! 

With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Looking at the first post! Haha!
My original purpose of this blog is for 'tweeting' eh! Hahaha.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
My original purpose of this blog is for 'tweeting' eh! Hahaha.
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
Treating this place like twitter
Hahaha! I think this is more of a twitter and tumblr than blogger!
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
With loves,
Chewytomatoes Eng Elaine
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